Bethel Pentecostal Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services!
When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
10:30 am
What To Expect
On Sunday Morning
A typical service will last approximately 90 minutes. There will be a good mix of contemporary and traditional music led by our worship teams. A nursery available for personal use as it is currently it is unsupervised.
The Treehouse is available for kids in Pre-K to Grade 1. Kids' Zone is available for kids from grade 2 - grade 5. We also have a leadership program available for grade 6 and up. Both are fully supervised and contain solid teaching from the Word, fun music and games to help understand what it means to have a relationship with Jesus.
The Treehouse is available for kids in Pre-K to Grade 1. Kids' Zone is available for kids from grade 2 - grade 5. We also have a leadership program available for grade 6 and up. Both are fully supervised and contain solid teaching from the Word, fun music and games to help understand what it means to have a relationship with Jesus.